Root Canals Can Save Decaying Teeth and Prevent Tooth Loss
As dentistry advances, not only are procedures becoming more effective and safer, but they are becoming more comfortable, as well. Root canals, for example, have a reputation for being painful. But thanks to new treatment techniques, most patients find that these procedures are no more painful than a typical filling.
Almost every dental problem gets worse with time. This is especially true regarding gum disease and decaying teeth. That’s why it’s so important to schedule a dental examination twice each year.
If you want to prevent tooth loss and stop the pain that comes with poor oral health, contact Lakefront Family Dentistry. Dr. Hauser is an award-winning dentist who uses the latest techniques and cutting-edge technology to provide quality care.
If you need dental work in Riverside County, trust a dentist that’s been practicing for more than 20 years. Contact Lakefront Family Dentistry at (951) 244-9495 or Request an Appointment Online Today!
Important Information About This Vital Treatment
Root canals involve removing the pulp and nerves within a tooth, cleaning the inside and then sealing the tooth. This can stop the pain that comes with infected tooth nerves.
The pulp is a soft area in the center of teeth. The nerves sit inside canals that run from the tip of the tooth root to the pulp chamber, which also contains connective tissue and blood vessels that provide nutrients to the tooth.
Once the tooth has completely surfaced, the nerve is not necessary for the tooth to be healthy and function correctly. It plays the sensory role of identifying food as cold or hot, but removing the nerve won’t affect the day-to-day function of teeth.
Why Is It Necessary to Remove Pulp?
When the pulp or nerves become damaged, they deteriorate, and bacteria can start to develop inside the pulp chamber. Along with other decayed debris, this bacterium infects the tooth and causes abscess. This abscess is a pocket filled with pus that develops at the end of tooth roots. Besides an abscess, a tooth-root infection can cause:
- Gum swelling that could spread to the neck, head or face
- Loss of bone near the root
- Root drainage issues
Together, these effects can be excruciatingly painful, which is why it’s so important to consult a dentist immediately when symptoms appear.
After Root Canal is Completed on Two Teeth as Seen in this Digital x-ray
Signs That You Need Treatment
Only a trained dentist can determine whether or not a root canal is the best course of treatment. Some gum discomforts could result from reversible periodontal disease. But here are a few signs that an infection is attacking your tooth roots:
- Painful toothaches while applying pressure or chewing
- Pain or sensitivity to cold or heat, even after the cold or hot substance has been removed
- Tooth discoloration, particularly darkening
- Tenderness or swelling of the gums
- Recurring or persistent pimples on gums
There are times when no symptoms are present. But if you notice any of the above signs, schedule a dental consultation immediately.
Fixing Tooth Roots at Lakefront Family Dentistry
Dr. Hauser has extensive experience treating patients with root infections. If you need oral surgery, it’s important to contact a well-established practice with a reputation for delivering quality care. Lakefront Family Dentistry provides fantastic results for patients of all ages.
With the latest dental equipment, Dr. Hauser can address almost any dental concern, from chips and cracks to missing and decaying teeth. He constantly upgrades his facility to provide the best care possible.
One recent addition is the ORTHOPHOS XG 3D dental-imaging system. This is breakthrough X-ray technology that can capture the entire mouth in one photo. Unlike traditional dental X-rays, which require the stitching together of several images, patients aren’t exposed to excessive amounts of radiation.
No Treatment Replaces Responsible Hygiene
Although Dr. Hauser can remove infected tooth roots or replace missing teeth entirely, responsible dental care is still important. It can prevent periodontal disease, which has been linked to heart conditions and dementia.
Remember to brush twice daily, and try to floss at least once every day. And don’t forget to schedule a dental cleaning every six months with Dr. Hauser.
For more information about getting a root canal, or to make an appointment, Contact Lakefront Family Dentistry at (951) 244-9495 or Request an Appointment Online Today!