Invisalign Remains the Best Braces for Adults
Malocclusion is a dental problem that affects many people regardless of age, ethnicity and gender. Crooked teeth are not appealing and they may also lead to various health concerns, especially as we age. This condition is ideally corrected at a younger age. However, adult braces are also available for the older individual who desires straighter teeth.
Is It Too Late For Adults?
What happens when people wait till adulthood to correct the problem? Dr. Hauser of Lakefront Family Dentistry says that it is never too late to correct malocclusion. However, he notes that certain factors can cause complications when treating adult patients.
To start, periodontal health is a must. It will be hard to treat people who have poor oral hygiene and gum disease, as orthodontic movement may provide bacteria with a point of entry. Bone health is another concern, as the shifting of the dentition will require a steady base of adequate density.
Call (951) 244-9495 and talk with a patient coordinator today, or schedule an appointment online now, to discuss your Invisalign options with Dr. Hauser.
Invisalign Braces for Adults
Invisalign provides adult patients with a gentler option. Unlike the traditional metal braces, this appliance is removable. Please note that it should be worn ideally for best results. However, unlike fixed braces, it provides patients with the option to enjoy a wider range of food without fear of dislodging any brackets.
This appliance resembles a night guard but is thinner. It is discreet and therefore the best option for people who do not want to sport a “metal mouth.” It is preferred by more celebrities and other influential people, as no amount of makeup or camouflage can hide brackets and wires.
Invisalign was designed with the comfort of the patient in mind. Since this appliance does not have any metal components and rough edges, there is no chance of developing metal allergies and oral ulcers or rashes.
Why Dr. Hauser Prefers Invisalign Over Traditional Braces
Lakefront Family Dentistry takes pride in its ability to provide only the best dental treatment plans. Being a private practice, Dr. Hauser refuses to use obsolete or risky options on his patients, especially when it comes to long-term treatments like orthodontics.
Being a dentist for over 20 years has provided Dr. Hauser with a good basis for comparison. Invisalign is ideal because it is made of safe materials that will not cause any health threats in the future. It does not require the use of any adhesive substance, which some patients may be allergic to, nor does it contain any metals.
The main reason Dr. Hauser only offers this orthodontic option is because it provides gentle and consistent movement. Therefore, it is the best braces for adults, especially for patients with slight gingival recession. Please keep in mind that gingival recession is more common in cases with malocclusion.
If you or a loved one is in need of adult braces, Invisalign is the best option. For more information about this particular orthodontic appliance or the other services Lakefront Family Dentistry offers, please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment online or contact them at (951) 244-9495.