Using Invisalign for Malocclusion
Malocclusion is a condition wherein teeth are misaligned. Thus, there is significant deviation from the normal occlusion, which is the state when the upper teeth fir over the lower dentition. In order to attain the perfect bite, the cusp of the upper first molar has to rest in the lower first molar groove. This allows for proper food mastication.
Types of Malocclusion
Malocclusion is caused by a variety of factors that include: genetics, trauma, defects, tooth loss and oral habits. In most cases, genetics plays a major factor. For instance, you might have inherited your father’s large dentition and your mother’s small jaw. These are the three basic types of malocclusion according to Edward Angle.
Lakefront Family Dentistry has Affordable Options to Treat an Overbite. Call (951) 244-9495 for a Consultation or Fill Out the Appt Form Online Today.
Class I Malocclusion (Neutroclusion)
This is the most common kind of malocclusion. The upper dentition overlaps the ones found below. The bite of a person with neutrocclusion is considered normal.
Class II Malocclusion (Distoclusion)
Also called retrognathism or overbite, this occurs when the upper dentition and jaw overlap the lower jaw more than they should. A dentist will check if the upper molars are more anterior, in comparison to the lower dentition. Please note that in some cases, the posterior teeth overlap the central dentition. This can be caused by thumb sucking or dependence on a pacifier as a child.
Class III Malocclusion (Mesioclusion)
This condition is also referred to as prognathism. The lower central and lateral incisors are pushed in front of the upper central teeth. The patient may have a short upper jaw or a large lower jaw.
More About Class II Malocclusion
In most cases, this is caused by dependence on thumb sucking or pacifiers during childhood. Although there are orthodontic nipples and pacifiers available, the sucking mechanism itself may contribute to overbite development. The tongue moves forward and pushes the upper palate into a more anterior position.
Dr. Hauser encourages parents to wean their children from this habit by pushing the hand away. Psychologists and dentists urge parents to refrain from scolding or bullying the child into quitting, as this may make it harder for them to do so. Please note that thumb sucking may be a sign that a child feels insecure and needs more attention.
Invisalign to End Distoclusion
Invisalign is the newest orthodontic treatment available today. It resembles a thinner version of the mouthguard. It is aesthetically superior to braces and more comfortable as well. It is made of a hypoallergenic material, which is why most dentists recommend it over traditional orthodontic treatments.

Please note that the span of treatment will vary based on the severity of the condition. Therefore, a person with mild distoclusion will use less Invisalign trays. The efficacy of this orthodontic appliance will also depend on the case. Therefore, people with severe distoclusion will not get the same results as those who have a milder case of overbite. Even so, if a patient uses the appliance religiously, he or she will notice acceptable results.
If you have malocclusion and are seeking a reputable doctor to treat an overbite, it would be best to enlist the services of a dental expert who can resolve your condition as soon as possible. If left untreated, you may suffer from related issues, like TMJ problems and even tooth loss. Schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Phillipe or Dr. Hauser today if you would like to learn more about this hassle-free treatment option. Please call (951) 244-9495 or make an appointment online.