Lakefront Family Dentistry Blog


Common Issues Fixed by CEREC Crowns

Thanks to CEREC and 3D digital imaging, many dental procedures, including the placement of crowns, can be completed in just one visit. In digital dentistry, state-of-the-art computer equipment takes 3D impressions, designs crowns and other ceramic restorations, and crafts them right in the office.

If you need crowns or other tooth restorations, ask Dr. Hauser and his team at Lakefront Family Dentistry about same-day CEREC crowns and other CEREC applications. Call or go online to make an appointment for a consultation today to learn all you can about these exciting treatment options.

CERC Crown on Dental Implant with Professional Teeth Cleaning and Whitening.
Damaged Tooth From Childhood Needed to be Pulled. Then a Dental Implant Placed, a CEREC Crown, with Professional Teeth Cleaning and Whitening.

This in-office system poses many advantages. Not only does it negate the need for several office visits, it allows dentists to take care of painful and unsightly dental issues on the spot. It also makes temporary crowns unnecessary and makes it possible for a patient to walk out with a permanent solution to their particular dental issue.

Same-Day Crowns: Common Issues Fixed by Crowns

Crowns, tooth-shaped caps that are placed over natural teeth, are used for a variety of reasons.

The following are just a few of the reasons why dental crowns are needed:

  • Dental crowns are commonly placed over misshapen, discolored teeth in an effort to improve their appearance.
  • Cracked, weak and decaying teeth are protected and held together by crowns.
  • Crowns cover and support teeth that have been broken or severely worn down.
  • They can also be used to hold a dental bridge in place.
  • Dental implants, implants that are placed in the gums, are capped off with crowns.
  • After a root canal, dentists commonly cover treated teeth with dental crowns to protect them and improve their appearance.

When it comes to crown placement, CEREC crowns pose many benefits. Not only can they be placed on the affected teeth immediately at the initial visit, they are custom made using enhanced digital software and equipment. This means that crowns made using the CEREC system look very natural and are crafted with extreme precision for each individual.

Other Types of Crowns and Their Applications

In addition to full crowns, which cover teeth from the top of the tooth to the gum line, there are other types of crowns as well. These can also be constructed with the CEREC system.

Other types of crowns include:

Three-Quarter Crowns – Used for teeth that are not as severely damaged, ¾ crowns only cover a portion of the affected teeth.

Crown Onlays – Onlays cover the tops of teeth and are used on teeth that are in fairly good shape.

As mentioned, all types of crowns can be made in the dental office during one visit using the CEREC system. Visits to place crowns with this system typically last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours.

If you’re interested in CEREC crowns, make an appointment online now or calling Lakefront Family Dentistry today at (951) 244-9495. Dr. Hauser and his team of dental professionals would love to talk to you about crowns and other cosmetic procedures that can give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of showing off to friends and family!