Learn the Truth about Periodontal Disease Treatment and How to Prevent It
There’s a common misconception that gum disease is a problem only affecting the elderly. This is simply not true! Many young adults, even adolescents, require periodontal treatment to treat serious mouth ailments.
As a matter of fact, a whopping 60% of 15-year-old teenagers have gingivitis, a mild form of oral disease! It’s a serious condition with great potential to impact one’s quality of life. Symptoms range from embarrassing signs like bad breath, to more serious trouble, such as tooth pain or loss.
What Causes Gingivitis in Children?
Plaque and tartar buildup is one of the leading causes. Plaque is a sticky and colorless, naturally-occurring substance in the body that accumulates on dental surfaces. Its structure makes for an attractive place for infectious bacteria to thrive in. Left untreated, this turns into a very hard-to-remove substance called tartar.
As these bacteria containing material continue to build up on tooth surfaces, eventually it causes painful irritation and swelling. It only takes as little as 24 hours for enough bacteria to invade the mouth and start to cause periodontitis.
What are the Warning Signs of Serious Oral Infections?
Many people are very surprised at how many young teenagers this affects. Fortunately, periodontal disease treatment, if administered in the early stages of infection, can reverse the condition and get patients back on track for excellent dental health.
There are certain risk factors, both genetic and behavioral, that make it more likely for teens to develop some form of periodontitis. Some kids have a higher risk because of an inherited genetic trait from their parents. Teens are also more susceptible because of their dietary choices.
Most people already know about sugary foods being bad for the teeth. Many don’t know how much harm can be caused by starchy foods, like potato chips and french fries. Brushing twice a day for 2 minutes each time and flossing every day helps prevent infectious causing microorganisms from wreaking havoc in the mouth.
Visit your dentist if any of the following signs are present:
- Red, swollen or tender gums
- Bleeding after flossing or brushing
- Persistent bad breath
- Permanent teeth that suddenly loosen
- Gums pulling away from the teeth
With excellent brushing habits and regular visits to Lakefront Family Dentistry, many mouth infections can be avoided.
What Does Early Stage Periodontal DiseaseTreatment Involve?
Oral infection is often unnoticed and doesn’t present any visible or physical signs. This is one of the reasons why it’s extremely important to schedule regular exams and a professional cleaning with one of our registered dental hygienists. Dr. Hauser and our specially trained dental hygienists can detect (and verify with mouth x-rays) signs that often go undetected by the untrained eye.
The earlier the infection is caught, the better. Depending on severity, one or more visits may be necessary to remove the bacterial buildup and help restore a healthy mouth. Early stage treatment varies and will be determined based on individual analysis.
General treatment usually involves a specially trained oral hygienist who uses professional dental tools, gently, to remove the hard tartar from the teeth and under the gum line. Antibiotics are often used to ensure the infection is completely removed and doesn’t spread.
Maintaining a Great Smile
- Brush and floss everyday
- Eat healthfully and drink plenty of water
- Get a professional teeth cleaning twice a year
- Replace your toothbrush every 3 months
During an appointment at Lakefront Family Dentistry, our registered dental hygienist may also recommend home treatments that may help prevent trouble in the future. An antibacterial mouth rinse, used daily, greatly reduces the amount of harmful plaque bacteria. Dr. Hauser and his team recommend Colgate Peroxyl.
We look forward to becoming your partner in helping maintain excellent oral health. Please call (951) 244-9495 and schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Hauser and be evaluated for periodontal treatment, or make an appointment online with us today!