Bad Bacteria and Germs in Your Mouth–is it Contagious?
We’ve developed a list of the most popular bad germ questions people ask–find out how microbes can hurt you now.
How much bacteria is in our mouth?
Did you know the number of bacteria in your mouth is the size of the population on our entire planet? For those people who run late and don’t have “time” to brush, the amount of bacteria is probably more than the entire population on Earth!
There are over 700 different types of microbes that live in the mouth, and many are bad for your health.
What about your pet’s mouth?
Is their mouth cleaner than their owners’? The fact is pets carry more than 100 different germs in their saliva that can make a person ill. Sure, we love our pets, but swapping spit can cause unnecessary health problems. Try brushing their teeth each day, too, and cut down on the amount of bad bacteria. This can help their health as well.

Can I eat food off the floor?
Whoever came up with the 3-second rule must not have wanted to ruin that good dinner that was about to be served. But the truth is, the minute your meal or snack makes contact with the floor, germs come in contact with it. The longer it sits there, the more germs can collect on your yummy meal, so keeping floors spic and span and trying not to drop anything or eat fallen remnants means less chance of swallowing more bad bacteria.
Is periodontal or gum disease contagious?
It’s know that if someone’s immune system is compromised, they are more susceptible of contracting diseases, the flu and other types of illnesses. Taking care of your oral health is equally important if your partner has gum disease or any type of oral infection.
Kissing won’t necessarily give someone these diseases; however, if your oral care and health is neglected, the likelihood of prolonged oral exposure to a person with these conditions increases the chance you could begin showing signs of the same condition.
Brush and floss at least twice each day and eat a healthful diet. Encourage significant others to partake in great oral health care and get a checkup with Dr. Hauser, DDS, twice per year. After all, your health is at risk, too!
To Share or Not to Share—the Toothbrush
As with kissing, using someone’s toothbrush that has an oral infection or disease means you are picking up all the bacteria and germs associated with their mouth cavity and putting it in yours. Why would anyone do that? It’s safer to wash your hands and put toothpaste on your finger and brush if it’s a one-time occurrence. Don’t risk sharing a toothbrush, even if it’s with your partner.
Rinse off your brush with hot water after every use and keep it a good distance away from the sink, where you use soap and aerosol products, too. Do not enclose it in a case, since the moisture breeds bad bacteria. Let it air out in the open. Some people use the blue light devices after each brushing, which helps remove bad bacteria and germs, but it’s not required for a healthy oral cavity.
Replace your brush at least every 3 months, and use antiseptic mouthwash like Colgate with Peroxyl because it helps kill germs.
Lipstick, Glasses and Instruments—is Anything Safe?
Anytime your mouth makes contact with another person’s, even if it’s using their lipstick, drinking out of a glass or cup and sharing a musical instrument, dangerous microbes can be transferred. Oral herpes is real, so make sure and protect yourself by not using the same things another person uses. It’s just good health sense.
Green Tea Helps Oral Health
A little known fact is that natural green tea is known to increase gum health and lower a person’s risk of tooth loss. Green tea already has many health benefits, so drink up and know your oral health is one more great result of this wonderful herb!
Sticky Plaque and Tartar Buildup
The majority of bad bacteria in your mouth are caused from a lack of oral hygiene, which includes flossing twice per day. This leads to an abundance of sticky plaque forming on teeth, and that leads to hard tartar and gum disease. Given one little tooth can harbor 500 million bad bacteria is exactly why happy patients see Dr. Hauser at Lakefront Family Dentistry twice a year to keep their oral cavity spotless!
Check out the three amazing, highly skilled registered dental hygienists that have been with Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS, for years! Call and schedule a professional teeth cleaning and beat bad bacteria while maintaining your overall health. Call (951) 244-9495 or Request an Appointment Online Today!