Lakefront Family Dentistry Blog


Can Someone Have Soft Enamel?

If someone has soft enamel, it means they are more susceptible to tooth decay. This can be a child or an adult. Bacteria seem to penetrate teeth with softer or less enamel than those with strong teeth that have a sufficient amount of enamel.

Sometimes fluoride can harden some teeth more than others, too. Other times it can be children that did not grow up with enough fluoride that causes problems as they get older. Some dentists might speculate that if one child has more decay than another in the same household, that the child with more decay has “soft enamel.”

This isn’t necessarily true, and a dentist cannot touch a tooth with an instrument and make a statement that a person’s tooth or teeth are softer than another person’s enamel. It could be a perception if a dentist states someone has soft enamel, but it’s usually a chemical issue and not something that can be diagnosed with a touch.

Enamel Erosion Can Be Caused by Medication and Do Permanent Damage to Your Teeth

Tetracycline Stains Can be Corrected with CEREC Veneers
Tetracycline Stains Can Be Corrected with CEREC Veneers


Tooth Enamel is Essential for Dental Protection

Children and adults require that thin covering on each tooth since it’s a tough, outer layer that protects teeth from everyday use, such as eating soft and hard foods—as well as grinding (also known as bruxism).

Enamel can be stained, which is why everyone has different color teeth. Smokers have more yellow teeth, and the dentin is responsible for this change in color. Red wine drinkers’ teeth become darker and greyer over time.

Lakefront Family Dentistry has three professional, registered dental hygienists that treat hundreds, if not thousands, of patients each year. They each have a great rapport with patients who enjoy coming back for a relaxing cleaning. Many patients actually fall asleep while their teeth are being cleaned and comment about how quickly the cleaning went by.

Proper dental care requires two visits and a checkup with Dr. Hauser each year. Patients who come in bi-annually enjoy a larger financial savings due to the reduced amount of decay and gum disease. Given the advanced dental equipment at this private practice, patients are safer and receive the latest dental techniques and materials that last twice as long as outdated dental practices across America.

Causes of Enamel Erosion Include:

  • Any drinks with citric acid, such as soda and fruit drinks, including orange juice
  • A diet containing a lot of sugar
  • Anyone who has a problem secreting saliva in their mouth
  • Acid reflux disease
  • Genetics, stress and medications all cause this erosion, too.
  • Other medical conditions could impact one’s oral health, so ask your dentist during your next visit.

Symptoms and Prevention

Having little or no enamel means teeth are more susceptible to cavities and decay. Some symptoms will include shiny tooth surfaces, yellowing teeth, dents on tooth surfaces, irregular edges and sensitive teeth.

Reducing soda intake and fruit juices by replacing them with water will help cut down on erosion loss, as well as brushing, flossing and rinsing with water or alcohol-free mouthwash after every meal. Milk and cheese actually help since they neutralize acids at the end of a meal. Gum with xylitol helps reduce acids from meals and drinks, too.

Ask Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS

Of course, coming in for a visit so Dr. Hauser can discuss your symptoms and he can look at your teeth and gums are the best first step to alleviate any potential or current oral issues. Diagnosing a patient over the phone is impossible, so call (951) 244-9495 or Request an Appointment Online Today.