The Tools You Use Could Mean the Difference between a Dentist Visit or Seeing an Oral Surgeon
People are busy today, however, no one should be so busy that five minutes, at least twice a day shouldn’t be set aside for oral health care. Many know that a great dentist recommends brushing and flossing immediately after each meal, because food particles and sugary drinks can begin eating away at your enamel and causing cavities within 15 minutes.
Bringing a toothbrush and toothpaste approved by the ADA to work or in your car is imperative to your overall health. Millions ignore this simple recommendation and wind up jeopardizing their health—and pocketbook.
What’s the difference between tartar and plaque and why does it hurt your teeth?
Plaque always exists in your mouth and it’s the bacterial film that forms on your teeth. It has the bacteria that must be removed to keep your teeth and gum line healthy. This is done every single day, at least twice a day, by brushing and flossing.
This helps remove the plaque so decay and disease doesn’t begin. If plaque buildup occurs, y our oral health begins to suffer. Nothing except floss can get in between your teeth, so it’s really not optional if you want to avoid trips to the dentist.
Tartar is actually hardened plaque.
If a person doesn’t brush and floss, especially right after eating and drinking, the plaque become hard. Within 24 hours, minerals mix with the plaque, causing the hard formation on your teeth and gum line, and this is called tartar.
You can usually feel tartar with your tongue on your lower, front teeth. The saliva under your tongue contains the minerals that make this happen, so the most prominent place is on those teeth. However, it’s all over your teeth, but you can feel it easier in the front. Flossing regularly means this build up will not happen, or it will be reduced significantly.
Eroding Gum Line with Severe Plaque Buildup Causes Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease. Professional Treatment is Required.
Calculus is another name for tartar.
This is actually what a hygienist has to scrape off your teeth with professional equipment. Only a registered dental hygienist can remove all of a patient’s plaque and tartar and make sure the gum line is free of disease. However, every single person can avoid advanced dental procedures by flossing and brushing all the time.
Different Toothpastes for Tartar and Plaque Control
Tartar control is plaque control. Removing plaque is much easier than removing tartar. Once it hardens and becomes tartar/calculus, a dental practitioner and his team need to remove it.
Looking on the shelf at the grocery store can become overwhelming because they say to buy this one for this purpose and a different one for another purpose. However, Dr. Hauser recommends just using an ADA-recommended toothpaste can help remove plaque. Two different toothpastes are not necessary.
The Need for Fluoride
Fluoride is a chemical that hardens teeth and makes you more resistant to tooth decay. A long time ago, it was found that a certain town wasn’t getting any cavities. It found this city had more fluoride in the water than others, and that’s how the value of fluoride was found. See your dentist and ask if you need additional fluoride. Drink plenty of water that has fluoride in it, too.

Ignoring Rotting Wisdom Teeth
If your wisdom teeth are coming in and even starting to decay, pain is imminent. That means a patient waited too long and they might need to seek an oral surgeon.
Dr. Hauser refers certain patients to the leading oral surgeon in Riverside County, but he recommends you come in right away if your wisdom teeth are coming in, rather than waiting for problems to occur.
When an infection begins, it could be more costly to treat several teeth or surrounding teeth that are impacted by the wisdom teeth because of delaying treatment.
Impacted teeth means it’s covered by tissue, bone, or another tooth. This means it/they have to be extracted, and it might be growing underneath into the other tooth or root of another tooth. The earlier x-rays are taken, the easier and less expensive the procedure will be.
Lakefront Family Dentistry has the latest dental equipment and in-house lab so you get results and treatment faster than antiquated dental technology that takes weeks. Normally, Dr. Hauser’s patients only need one or two visits at the most. Get a checkup and make sure there is no periodontal disease or decay beginning. Call the friendly staff members today at (951) 244-9495 or Request Appointment Online.