Lakefront Family Dentistry Blog

Tooth Implant Technology Adds to Long-Term Health Benefits

Dental Implants are Simpler, Safer, and Last Longer than Older Dental Technology

Once upon a time, the very first implant was placed…in 1952. Needless to say, dental technology has come quite a long way. The safety and accuracy of tooth implant placement and long-term oral benefits are endless.

Can’t Decide on a Dental Implant, Bridge or Flipper?

Rest assured, Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS, has been using the most advanced technology for over 20 years. An expert in placing the highest quality dental implants, he has helped many patients regain their self-confidence and transformed their smile into a work of art.

Bridges are an option, but in many cases, simple dental implants increase the chance of maintaining bone density and a stronger bite so you can eat the things you love. Bridges have come a long way, too, so Dr. Hauser can see which option will work best based on your needs. However, sometimes the cost of one implant is less expensive than treating two or three teeth versus a bridge.

CERC Crown on Dental Implant with Professional Teeth Cleaning and Whitening.
Dental Implant and CEREC Crown, with Teeth Cleaning and Whitening

Damaged Tooth From Childhood Needed to be Pulled. Then a Dental Implant Placed, a CEREC Crown, with Professional Teeth Cleaning and Whitening.

A flipper tooth shouldn’t be your first choice. They are not very sturdy and can fall out when you are speaking. Eating is cumbersome and oftentimes, you will need to remove it before each meal. This can also be embarrassing on a date or at work. It’s a temporary option and a more permanent solution should be considered if budgetary constraints are an issue at the time.

Dr. Hauser uses the latest CEREC technology, where he makes patients’ teeth in-house, so you get your crowns the same day! That means waiting for weeks is a thing of the past. Walk in, and then walk out with your new tooth in just a couple hours. No more making countless appointments or taking time off work for many treatments. Time is something none of us get more of each day, and we value your time.

Take a Look at How CEREC Technology Works
When Making a Tooth for Your New Tooth Implant

What is a Dental Implant Made of Today?

That’s a very good question, and we’re glad you asked! The best material used in implants is titanium. It is the strongest, longest lasting material made. They actually replace the position where the roots of your teeth used to exist, so they must be strong to withstand years of chewing.

Dr. Hauser will provide you with a consultation and digital x-rays to make sure you are a great candidate for a tooth implant. Bone density and/or loss are a concern, so it’s important to ensure all criteria is met for a successful implant. He will explain all options and costs. A treatment plan with pricing is always provided before any work will be done so you can make an educated decision.

How Will I Look?

Another benefit of a dental implant is that you have a restored, more youthful appearance. This increases your confidence and desire to smile a whole lot more! Many people find your smile to be the most important aspect of hygiene and good looks, so it’s important to take care of your oral health and appearance.

Benefits of Tooth Implants

Additional benefits are keeping the immediate bone surrounding the area from shrinking. This keeps you from looking older, with that sunken in jaw/tooth appearance many begin to have as they age. The same people often look 10-20 years older because of bone loss in the upper and/or lower jaw. It’s less expensive to make a better decision for your oral health today, versus 20 years from now when bone replacement therapy is required.

The Right Dental Practitioner is Important

Dr. Hauser is one the most prominent cosmetic dentists in Riverside County, California. Continuing education several times per year for him and his staff are a standard of high-quality patients benefit from every day. Having placed thousands of dental implants successfully, the choice to meet with Dr. Hauser and his team makes perfect sense for your oral health.

Give Lakefront Family Dentistry a call at (951) 244-9495 to discuss tooth implant options today, or make an appointment online. We look forward to having you as part of our family!

Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS, at Lakefront Family Dentistry

Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS, at Lakefront Family Dentistry


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