Criteria Most Patients Look for When Searching for a New Dentist
Why Dentist Location, Expertise, Skilled Dental Hygienists and Payment Options are Vital Factors
Most of us have been dentist hopping at one point or another. There are many reasons why we can’t seem to stick to one practitioner. However, while hopping may suit some individuals, it would be best to find a new dentist who can handle all our oral concerns.
Dr. Hauser is a CEREC specialist who also handles a wide range of other dental specialties. He believes that there are some vital factors that make dentist selection easier. In fact, these are factors he takes into consideration to ensure patient satisfaction. Here are a few factors that will help simplify the selection process.

Dentist Location
One has to admit that this factor is of vital importance. Lazy and anxious people tend to make excuses to skip out of dental visits. The most common one is that the dentist is too far away. Thus, he or she would try to rationalize it by saying that the practitioner’s office is too far away for his or her usual stomping grounds.
However, a referral from a family, friend or online site like Yelp or Google My Business might be worth driving the extra miles for the best dental care. Dr. Hauser literally has patients fly in from out of state just to receive his dental care.
Before settling for just any dentist, consider expertise as well. It would be best to have a trusted dentist who can handle all of the necessary oral treatments, as this will save a patient time and a lengthy commute to another specialist.
Dr. Hauser is a CEREC specialist who handles other dental specialties as well. He has over 20 years of experience and is respected by peers and patients alike. He remains one of the most trusted dental specialists in the Inland Empire. In fact, many people from other nearby areas come visit him for their dental concerns.
Skilled Dental Hygienists
No dental practitioner can take sole credit for the success of a clinic. A dentist must have skilled personnel as well. Dental hygienists take care of simple dental tasks, like bi-annual cleanings, for example. Thus, it is the responsibility of the dentist to find employees who are capable of handling these important tasks.
This is why Lakefront Family Dentistry hires the best staff. Their team of able personnel includes seasoned dental hygienists who Dr. Hauser has personally screened to ensure patient comfort and satisfaction.
Payment Options
Most people would rather go to a “clinic” with the cheapest quote. However, one should consider the materials and skill involved. Not all dentists are equally experienced and not all dental clinics have the same kind of equipment. Therefore, one gets what one pays for.
Lakefront Family Dentistry is not a clinic; it’s a private practice. This means you will see the same dentist every time, versus seeing a rotation of dentists each time you go to a clinic.
Instead of settling for a clinic that can offer you the cheapest rates but cannot promise the best treatments, opt for a dental practice that provides great payment options and service. Lakefront Family Dentistry offers many payment options to choose from that meets with many of Dr. Hauer’s patients.
If you want to find a new dentist in the Inland Empire who can promise to provide excellent oral care, Lakefront Family Dentistry is the best option. Dr. Hauser remains a favorite in these parts because of his expertise and amazing staff. To set an appointment, please call (951)244-9495 or schedule one online today.