What Is The Difference Between a DDS and DMD Dentist?
Picking out a dentist is not an easy task. With the abundance of practitioners in this state alone, one might have a hard time choosing the best one, as there are many seasoned experts. If you were to search for dentists in your area, you might wonder why some have DMD as a title and others have DDS instead. Let us help point out the difference between a DDS and DMD dentist.
Before selecting a dentist, many people prefer to find out what they can about the dental profession. A majority of people get caught up in the DMD vs DDS debate, as they try to decide which one can address their needs best. Many think that the DMD dentist has a different skill set from a DDS practitioner.

DMD vs DDS: Which One Should I Choose?
To start, DMD means Doctor of Dental Medicine, while DDS is short for Doctor of Dental Surgery. While they have two different titles, holders of these degrees underwent the same training curriculum. This means that a DDS and A DMD are both dentists. Therefore, if you have to choose one, do so based on his or her reputation and expertise. Do not base your selection process on the title the dentist holds, as both the DDS and the DMD dentist are trained to handle your dental concerns.
A Short History
The DDS degree was first to come about. It was given by independent institutions that offered dental education. The curriculum was based on trade or apprenticeship in which students would shadow a well-known dentist and learn various techniques. These schools were not affiliated with a university. The first national dental organization was the American Society of Dental Surgeons, which was obviously based on the DDS title.
The title of DMD originates from Harvard University, as they decided to open a dental education program in 1867. Most of us are aware that they grant degrees in Latin. Therefore, if one were to translate Doctor of Dental Surgery into Latin, one would get Chirurgae Dentium Doctoris. This would be abbreviated as C.D.D., which Harvard’s scholars did not fancy. A scholar decided to prefix Medicinae Doctor with Dentariae. Thus, the title of DMD was born.
In the early 20th century, there were about 57 schools that offered dental education. However, only Harvard and the University of Oregon used the DMD title. (2) As time passed, more universities began to adapt the DMD title. At present, there are still many reputable institutions that prefer to award DDS titles.
What Can The A.D.A. Do About This?
The American Dental Association understands the confusion that comes along with having two titles for the same profession. They have tried to come up with different solutions to solve this particular issue.
There are three options. The first one was to eliminate the DMD degree. The second one was to eliminate the DDS degree. The last proposal was to eradicate both degrees and award a new one instead. However, many issues prevent these scenarios from taking place.
Dr. Hauser holds a DDS title and is one of the top dentists in Southern California. He is held in high regard by DDS and DMD practitioners all over the country and has taught his techniques to other dental practitioners. Meet with Dr. Derek B. Hauser, DDS, to discuss your dental needs by calling (951) 244-9495 or schedule an appointment below.